sexta-feira, 25 de dezembro de 2009

Goodbye, Sweet Eeva

This semester we had as our roommate in Casa Verdi a finish princess - Eeva!

She brought escandinavians airs to the house, but now she left us and went to Buenos Aires for a warm christmas.

She wrote some words for us in her perfect spanish (and a picture in the end of this article). Enjoy:

"I moved to Casa Verdi during the first week of September and the following week I wrote a story about the boys for my Spanish class. ‘Deco es un chico amable y a él le gustan mucho las películas. Matias es divertido y un poco tonto y Rafael es un chico responsable y ordenado’, I said. Well, Rafael didn’t turn out to be so organised after all, but the rest of the story was true.
During the four months I at least learnt a lot of new songs since it hardly ever got quiet before 6 am at Verdi. And also something about Brazilian culture too, but the only thing I learnt in Portuguese was ‘muito bom’. And despite the fact that I’ve lived four months with these crazy Brazilians, I still have the courage to travel to Brazil this winter. Hasta Pronto Barca y chicos!"

Gracias Eeva!!


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